Thursday, November 22, 2018

Rule 27 (a) & (c)

      As per Rule 27(a) where the method of appointment to the post are by promotion and by direct recruitment in a fixed ratio, shall be determined as where the first vacancy in a category is for appointment by promotion and the second  vacancy is for appointment by direct recruitment and when the first two vacancies arise in that category a departmental hand shall be appointed regularly by promotion, as the case may be, in the first vacancy and in the absence of direct recruit reporting  for duty in the second vacancy a departmental hand shall be appointed temporarily by promotion, as the case may be, in that vacancy. In the case a direct recruit does not report for duty till a third vacancy arises in the department, the appointment of person temporarily by promotion in the second vacancy shall be regularized from the date of occurrence of third vacancy. Similarly if two more vacancies are in the cadre (total five) the departmental hands are entitled for three vacancies and hence the promotion of the third man shall be regularized from the date of occurrence of the fifth vacancy. The direct recruits shall be entitled for rank and seniority from the date of his first effective advice.
   Rule 27(a) and (c) only stipulates that while determining the seniority of direct recruits it should be based on the date of their effective advice and when two or more persons are included in the same advice list, their relative seniority list shall be fixed according to the order in which their names are arranged in the advice list. That will not prevent the KWA to place promotes in the date of occurrence of vacancies within quota rule. 

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